Pacific Timesheet has many ways for you to get rapid support.
Go to our Help Center log a new issue or service request by clicking on "Submit a Request" in the upper right hand corner. To check on the status on old service requests, you will need to be logged in. To create a Help Center account, click on Sign In and follow the instructions.
You can also search for solutions to your questions or issues.
There is a Help chat button on every page of our website. Click on Help to begin a chat with our technical sales/support experts. If Chat is offline, you can use the chat widget to search for solutions found in the Help Center .
Our Help Center allows you to "follow" categories and articles on features.
Read Stay Up-To-Date with Pacific Timesheet's Help Center to learn how to use this feature.
You can always contact support directly:
U.S. 866-416-2061 ext. 5
Int: +1 650-641-2760
Platinum Support provides the lowest total cost of ownership for your Pacific Timesheet solutions. In addition to rapid support, your product requests and enhancements receive the highest priority, and reconfigurations for new features and upgrades are included.
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